Thursday, November 18, 2010

Bakkhai Rolls with the Women Who Rock


There are a lot of things that I am thankful for-- like getting a break from homework!
But in all reality, I am ready to go home and see my family again.... I miss my bed, and my own bathroom, my dogs, and even, surprisingly enough, my sisters and brother.

Luckily for me though, my parents and godparents made a little surprise trip down to Lexington to see one of the final nights of Bakkhai. : )

We had a wonderful late lunch at deSha's and enjoys one of the last gorgeous of fall walking about the city.
Below are some pictures from behind the scenes and up on stage!

During the show the Bakkhant women had a favorite expression to get pumped up for the show....

Bakkhants... what is your profession? Ou-ooh Ou-Ooh Ou-Ohh!!

Okay.. so we might have borrowed it from 300... but it worked for them, and it worked for us!
The whole cast together for final bows
The women of Thebes searching for the face of Dionysus

This is Ashley, our wonderful student choreographer! In honor of all the hard work she put into the show... and how hard we all worked to keep up with her moves.. we signed my beat up dance shoe for her (which had to be fix multiple times and the holes patched )
The rebellious Dionysus and his women

We had a lot of fun back stage taking pictures and dancing along to Rocky Horror to get us relaxed before the show every night
Fall at Transy! My parents wanted to take some pictures before they left.. so I had to make faces.

Happy Early Thanksgiving!!! Be thankful for your family and all your loved ones.

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