So, to highlight some of the more eventful experiences over the past month:
1. Willie T Interviews
All the excited new candidates in their brand new interviewing clothes swarmed campus over two weekends and tested the waters here on campus. They met with professors and coaches, sat in on classes, watched Aloha Say The Pretty Girls, and hung out with the students. One by one, the candidates were interviewed by a panel of staff, faculty, and students. The lucky finalists were then selected and mailed their congratulation letters on March 14. As a student panelist, it was interesting to see how things worked form the other side. I remember sitting in that ridiculous board room a year ago, interviewing, and then walking out of the room and not remembering a thing that came out of my mouth. Watching the new group of high school seniors worry and nervously try to answer the questions as a table full of people stared them head on was an interesting experience, but it lets you know that you've grown. I feel so much different than the girl who walked in that room a year ago.
2. First Year Leadership Retreat
Forty first year Transy students were loaded into a bus and driven to a church where we spent the night, supplied with more sugar and snack food than could be consumed by an army, to learn about leadership. We worked together and played communication games, took a color personality test to find out strengths and weaknesses, and had a speaker come in to talk about creating a mission statement for our goals. One of the most eye opening games we played though consisted of all of us kids standing in a circle, tossing around Amy Jo's (the Greek Life coordinator and retreat co-leader) baby stuffed animal toys. At first we started out my passing around a stuffed Tiger- our "main priorities". Then a ball began to get passed around in a different pattern- our "distractions". Then a block- "daily responsibilities", and another toy "uncontrollable crisis". By the time all the toys were in the circle, our main priorities took so much longer to finish. While the point was obvious, it was still a good experience to have.
3. Greek Week
A week of celebrating being in a greek organization. While many of the activities during the week were of a philanthropic nature, there were also game nights and competitions between the different organizations. At the end of the week there was an awards ceremony to honor all the efforts of the organizations over the past year as well as outstanding individuals and supporters of greek life.
4. The Vagina Monologues
As an active member of the theatrical community, I was thrilled when one of my sorority sisters decided to direct a production of The Vagina Monologues. At first, I didn't know a whole lot about it and had no idea about the cause behind them. The V-Day campaign is a movement to stop violence and abuse against women. The various productions of The Vagina Monologues help to raise money for places like women's shelters, and raise awareness in the community. The director, Abby, is also a blogger and you can check out her thoughts on the production at her site . The process of creating the production was quite an enjoyable experience. People may call the play feminist, and of course it is. But rather than bashing and man hating, it is more about self acceptance and being proud of your sexuality. The monologues ranged from humorous and light hearted to serious and heart wrenching, but in the end we were able to raise over a thousand dollars for the Bluegrass Rape Crisis Center.
5. Phi Mu Founder's Day
While each fraternity/sorority celebrates differently, all of the greek groups like to take their special day to honor the founders of their specific organization. The Phi Mus held a tea for all the actives and local alumnae. It was great to see all the alumnae from recently and not so recently come out and honor Mary, Mary, and Martha.
6. RA Interviews
While the interviews themselves were a bit unnerving, I am excited to be one of the students selected to be on the RA staff for next school year. I am currently set to be a first year resident assistant in the girl's dorm!
7. Play Practice
.....Shape of Things production goes up this Thursday!! Needless to say it has been a busy busy busy last couple of weeks working out all the kinks, getting new blocking, new costumes, new direction. Hopefully it will all come together in time for the show.